"Vayishlach" Tagged Messages
A Step in the Right Direction
By embracing humility, seeking reconciliation, and renewing our minds according to God’s word, we can take steps in the right direction and walk in the fullness of God’s calling, even in the face of our own struggles and failures.
With God’s Help
Parashat Vayishlach
Restoration and Reconciliation
Parashat Vayishlach
Power to Change
Parashat Vayishlach
Don’t Grow Weary!
Through the challenges facing Jacob as he returns from exile, he remains strong – seeking reconciliation, praying and even wrestling with an angel through the night such that he might overcome!
A New Name and a New Chapter
Jacob was given a new name just before he was brought back to the Promised Land. So too, new believers in Yeshua receive a new name and a new identity.