The Sun Will Rise
Times may be difficult, and all around us there may be darkness, but to those who trust in the LORD, the sun of righteousness will rise with healing in its wings. And God will comfort His people.
The Gospel of the Kingdom
What is the gospel that Yeshua preached? Was it about going to heaven, or was it about heaven coming to earth?
God Fulfills His Word
God makes promises about redemption of all things and the promised Messiah. His word is true, and He is faithful to perform it!
Discernment in All Things
Trials and obstacles we face aren’t all from the enemy. When we face these trials, we need to be discerning with the source and what our response should be.
Trusting God Even When You Don’t Understand
God sees the end before the beginning and knows what we need. Even when we don’t understand, our job is to respond in faith, knowing that we can trust Him.
Uprooting Dissention and Discontentment
All too often we fall into error of believing we are immune to negative words and complaining. Do not be deceived: “Bad company corrupts good morals.” – 1 Cor. 15:33
Sowing Seeds of Faith
We have the choice to see things as people of faith or to look at our own insufficiency or fear. What we choose will determine the type of seed we sow and the fruit it will bear.
The Light of the World
The menorah is the Light of the World, and its structure provides an illustration of how Yeshua is the source of light for those who abide in him.
Restoring Peace in Marriage
Peace within marriage was so important to God that He was willing to have His Name erased in order to restore the trust that had been lost between and man and his wife.
New Beginnings
Yeshua is the first fruit of the resurrection. Through the life he now lives, he opens up the way to eternal life and the hope of the restoration of all things!