Messages by Cris Franklin (Page 23)
Keys to Reconciliation
Repentance and forgiveness are critical to the coming of Yeshua at the end of the age, just as they were in the reconciliation between Joseph and his brothers.
Fear of the Lord
At this time of Hanukkah, which is a remembrance of the rededication of the Temple, let us renew and rededicate our hearts to our God and King, that we may shine as lights in the world!
Taken Low to Go High
Joseph was brought low so that he might receive the promotion God intended for him – that he would be raised up as a savior for Israel.
A New Name and a New Chapter
Jacob was given a new name just before he was brought back to the Promised Land. So too, new believers in Yeshua receive a new name and a new identity.
Our Hope – God is With Us
Our hope is rooted in the truth of who God is, and who we are in Him. When we face a crisis with confidence in Him, He brings wholeness on the other side.
The Sun Will Rise
Times may be difficult, and all around us there may be darkness, but to those who trust in the LORD, the sun of righteousness will rise with healing in its wings. And God will comfort His people.
The Gospel of the Kingdom
What is the gospel that Yeshua preached? Was it about going to heaven, or was it about heaven coming to earth?
God Fulfills His Word
God makes promises about redemption of all things and the promised Messiah. His word is true, and He is faithful to perform it!
Discernment in All Things
Trials and obstacles we face aren’t all from the enemy. When we face these trials, we need to be discerning with the source and what our response should be.
Trusting God Even When You Don’t Understand
God sees the end before the beginning and knows what we need. Even when we don’t understand, our job is to respond in faith, knowing that we can trust Him.