Messages by Cris Franklin (Page 24)
Sowing Seeds of Faith
We have the choice to see things as people of faith or to look at our own insufficiency or fear. What we choose will determine the type of seed we sow and the fruit it will bear.
The Light of the World
The menorah is the Light of the World, and its structure provides an illustration of how Yeshua is the source of light for those who abide in him.
Restoring Peace in Marriage
Peace within marriage was so important to God that He was willing to have His Name erased in order to restore the trust that had been lost between and man and his wife.
New Beginnings
Yeshua is the first fruit of the resurrection. Through the life he now lives, he opens up the way to eternal life and the hope of the restoration of all things!
Renewing Our Minds
As new creations in Messiah, we are free to walk according to our new nature of righteousness. And as we do this, we lay down our old identity of sin, and we renew our minds concerning our new nature and who God says we are.
The Bride of Noble Character
In both Sarah and Rebekah we find characteristics that demonstrate them to be women of noble character. And in Rebekah, as the chosen bride of the promised seed, we see a picture of what the bride of Messiah is to become as we are preparing for His coming.
Hope for the Promised Seed
After years of disappointment, Sarah received the promised son. After bringing up Isaac as an offering, Abraham received him back and opened the way for the promised seed to come in the person of Yeshua, who is our hope.
Testing of Abraham
God tested Abraham for his own benefit. By demonstrating his faith through his actions, he received greater reward and accomplished much for the Kingdom.
Clean Hands and a Pure Heart
Through Yeshua we are brought into the kingdom of priests. Having our hands cleansed and our hearts purified, we may draw near to God, being changed from glory to glory back into beings of light, as it was in the beginning.
Yeshua’s Birth at Sukkot
Many Messianic believers celebrate Yeshua’s birth at Sukkot. Find out what evidence there is for celebrating his birth at the Season of Our Joy!