Messages on John (Page 4)
Strangers in a Strange Land
Parashat Chayei Sarah
Sowing Seeds of Righteousness
Parashat Vayeira
Seeded With Potential
Parashat B’reisheet
From Beginning to End, God is Faithful
Parashat Ha’azinu
Faith to Follow
Parashat Re’eh
The Mystery of God
The mysteries within the commandments laid out in this portion point to the mystery of God’s plan of redemption through Yeshua our Messiah!
Emptying Oneself
Yeshua calls us to abide in Him, for apart from Him we can do nothing. In this He calls us to be like Him, emptying ourselves of our ego, trusting in God and allowing Him to work through us!
Egels and Omers
Parashat Shemini
Firstborn of the Resurrection
Shviee Shel Pesach – 7th of Passover
As You Wish
The portion this week, and carrying over from last week gives us several examples of people who laid aside their desires for something greater and whose actions ultimately brought forth a bride for Isaac. And in this story we see a picture of the bride of Messiah being made ready for Him!