Messages by Cris Franklin (Page 25)
Even In Exile, God Is With Us
God has promised never to leave or forsake His people, and that He will always be with them. Even when they are sent into exile, God goes with them, shares in their afflictions, and brings them back from their captivity. He is faithful.
Covenant: From Generation to Generation
The covenant God made with Israel and Judah is an everlasting national covenant, passing from generation to generation. Those who are in covenant with God have a responsibility and obligation to raise their children according to God’s ways and to walk in unity with their community.
The Light Overcomes the Darkness
In the beginning of creation, God sent forth His Light. When Adam sinned, the Light of creation was hidden, concealed temporarily, to be revealed in the Messianic Era. And at the fulness of time, God sent forth His Son, the Light of the World, to bring repentance and redemption.
The Final Redemption and Loving Your Neighbor
The Sages teach the current exile is the result of baseless hatred. What then is the remedy which will bring the final redemption? It is selfless love that overcomes that which divides us, and brings reconciliation. It is loving your neighbor as yourself, and even more, loving each other as Yeshua loved us.
The King’s Torah
Yeshua is the Prophet like unto Moses who was to come as Redeemer and King, turning the people back to faithfulness to God through the Torah. Yeshua writes His Torah on our hearts by the Spirit so we can pursue righteousness and be transformed into His image from glory to glory!
Worship in Spirit and in Truth
Blessed are they who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied. Yeshua is the Bread from Heaven, and provides the source of Living Water. In Him, God eternally satisfies our spiritual hunger and thirst through the Word and rebirth by the Spirit.
Trusting God Through Difficult Times
God’s miracles are with us every day. We need eyes to see that He is with us; to learn to trust in God’s ability to bring us through whatever difficulty we face, even when it looks impossible.
Comfort: The Hope of Return from Exile
God is faithful to the covenant. So faithful in fact, He promised to be our Comforter. “It is I, I am He Who comforts you.” – Isaiah 51:12. What does the Comforter do? He brings back the lost sheep from exile, and causes them to walk in faithfulness to God through the covenant.
The Darkest Hour, The Greatest Victory
As we await the coming Kingdom, we need to remember our path so we don’t repeat mistakes and so we can remember God’s faithfulness and His promises. Even Yeshua, in His darkest hour, strengthened Himself by trusting in God’s faithfulness. And God did not forsake Him.
Hastening the Messianic Era
Why did Yeshua curse the fig tree when He found no fruit on it? What connection did this have to the coming exile? And now, as the exile continues and we await His return, how can we hasten the coming of the Messianic Era?