"Chayei Sarah" Tagged Messages
Leaving a Legacy
How can you build a legacy that honors God? Discover lessons from the life of Sarah and the importance of kindness and faith in shaping our future.
Sarah’s Eulogy
Parashat Chayei Sarah
Truth and Falsehood
Parashat Chayei Sarah
Strangers in a Strange Land
Parashat Chayei Sarah
As You Wish
The portion this week, and carrying over from last week gives us several examples of people who laid aside their desires for something greater and whose actions ultimately brought forth a bride for Isaac. And in this story we see a picture of the bride of Messiah being made ready for Him!
The Bride of Noble Character
In both Sarah and Rebekah we find characteristics that demonstrate them to be women of noble character. And in Rebekah, as the chosen bride of the promised seed, we see a picture of what the bride of Messiah is to become as we are preparing for His coming.