The Darkest Hour, The Greatest Victory

The Darkest Hour, The Greatest Victory

Parashah Devarim

As the children of Israel were preparing to head into the Promised Land, Moses reminded them of both their past failures and recent successes.  And he pointed them on to the hope that lay ahead of them. The failure he reminded them of was the bad report the spies brought back, and the weeping of the people of the 9th of Av.  This day became a day of atrocities for the Jewish people throughout their history.  But God promises that these days of weeping will be turned into feasts and days of joy.

As we await Yeshua’s return, we face challenges, and we experience failures and victories.  We need to remember these times so we don’t repeat the mistakes and so we can remember God’s faithfulness.  Above all, we remember the promises we have from God through Yeshua. And even Yeshua, in His darkest hour, strengthened Himself by trusting in God’s faithfulness.  And God did not forsake Him.