The Torah of the King

The Torah of the King

Parashat Shoftim

This portion focuses on the pursuit of righteousness and the requirement for just rulings. Along with this requirement for the nation, we see the king is subject to the Torah and is to meditate on it at all times.

The King is to write two copies of the Torah – one is kept in the Treasury and one with him all the time for him to read from.

Yeshua is the coming king, the son of David, and he is the prophet like unto Moses. So the Messiah is expected to write copies of the Torah as well.

When Yeshua returns as King, He will write at least one copy of the Torah. In the meantime, He has sent the Spirit to write the Torah upon our hearts that we may walk in His ways!

…you are a letter of Messiah, cared for by us, written not with ink but with the Spirit of the living God, not on tablets of stone but on tablets of human hearts.

2 Corinthians 3:3

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