Where We Fix Our Eyes

Where We Fix Our Eyes

Parashat Shelach

There are two distinct sections of this week’s portion, both beginning with a promise from God about inheriting the Land, but with two different focuses and outcomes. The key difference in outcome is determined by where the people fix their eyes.

In the first, the people looked to the strength of man rather than the sufficiency of God, and thus they failed to walk in faithful obedience to God’s command.

After the failure of the spies, God reaffirms His promise and calls the people to return, trust in Him and walk in faithful obedience.

God renewed their hope of the Children of Israel when hope was lost. They simply needed to return and set their eyes upon Him!

…let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, fixing our eyes on Yeshua, the author and perfecter of faith…”

hebrews 12:1b-2a

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