The Mystery of God
The mysteries within the commandments laid out in this portion point to the mystery of God’s plan of redemption through Yeshua our Messiah!
A Good Name
Unlike Korach, Moses and Aaron operated in humility with a heart that desired to make God’s Name great rather than their own. Because of this, God made their names great.
A Thread of Hope
The position of faith is not a denial of the situation or circumstances because there can be very real difficulty. Rather, the position of faith is being able to see beyond the problem and see the potential for good because we have a reason for true hope.
Emptying Oneself
Yeshua calls us to abide in Him, for apart from Him we can do nothing. In this He calls us to be like Him, emptying ourselves of our ego, trusting in God and allowing Him to work through us!
Many Parts, One Body
Each of the twelve tribes brought identical gifts for the Tabernacle, but each tribe had a different reason for bringing the various items, each of them related to the particular tribe’s special mission within the unified national destiny.
What Are We Preparing For?
God knows what we need, and He has given that to us through His Word and His Spirit, which were both given at Shavuot (Pentecost). In the season of Shavuot, God fulfills the fourth statement of redemption – that He will take the Children of Israel as a people and be God to them.
An Open Hand
Parashat Behar-Bechukotai
Sanctifying God’s Name in Word and Deeds
We sanctify God’s Name by keeping His commandments and by proclaiming His appointed times in their season because they declare His great works. They declare His purposes that He established for the purposes of restoring all of mankind.
Where Do We Start? (Acts 15)
The commandments found in Leviticus 17-18 correspond directly to the four commands given to Gentile believers by the Jerusalem Council in Acts 15. These four instructions remove barriers to fellowship and set a standard that allows Jew and Gentile to walk together in community as God’s holy people!
From Death to Life
Parashat Tazria / Metzora