Messages on Ephesians (Page 2)
The Mystery of God
The mysteries within the commandments laid out in this portion point to the mystery of God’s plan of redemption through Yeshua our Messiah!
Many Parts, One Body
Each of the twelve tribes brought identical gifts for the Tabernacle, but each tribe had a different reason for bringing the various items, each of them related to the particular tribe’s special mission within the unified national destiny.
Where Do We Start? (Acts 15)
The commandments found in Leviticus 17-18 correspond directly to the four commands given to Gentile believers by the Jerusalem Council in Acts 15. These four instructions remove barriers to fellowship and set a standard that allows Jew and Gentile to walk together in community as God’s holy people!
From Death to Life
Parashat Tazria / Metzora
Where is Your Inheritance?
Though Joseph and his brothers prospered in the land of Egypt, they knew their true home was in the Land God had promised to them in Canaan. So too, are we to prosper in the places God has given us, always remembering where our true home is.
Overcoming the Past
Jacob’s encounter with God brings a transformation, and Jacob leaves behind his past of deception and begins anew, walking in righteousness in all his dealings.
Overcoming Offense
In all of that we endure, we have the choice to become those who lift up or those who tear down. We must guard our hearts and minds, always pursuing truth and goodness out of a base of love and peace, for the love of God can redeem!
What is Grace?
Grace comes from the Hebrew word “Chen”, which is translated throughout the Tanach as favor – specifically, merited favor. So if grace is merited favor, why do we say grace is unmerited favor?
Restoring Peace in Marriage
Peace within marriage was so important to God that He was willing to have His Name erased in order to restore the trust that had been lost between and man and his wife.
The Bride of Noble Character
In both Sarah and Rebekah we find characteristics that demonstrate them to be women of noble character. And in Rebekah, as the chosen bride of the promised seed, we see a picture of what the bride of Messiah is to become as we are preparing for His coming.
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