Messages on Exodus (Page 6)
Faith is Active!
Emunah (Faith) is not simply intellectual belief, regardless of how sincere or authentic that belief is. The Jewish understanding of emunah is steadfastness and fidelity toward God, which includes belief but is incomplete without faithful obedience to God.
What Are We Preparing For?
God knows what we need, and He has given that to us through His Word and His Spirit, which were both given at Shavuot (Pentecost). In the season of Shavuot, God fulfills the fourth statement of redemption – that He will take the Children of Israel as a people and be God to them.
Egels and Omers
Parashat Shemini
Firstborn of the Resurrection
Shviee Shel Pesach – 7th of Passover
A Sanctuary in Time and Space
Parashat Vayak’hel/Pekudei
Mercy & Grace
Parashat Ki Tisa
Clothed in Righteousness
Parashat Tetzaveh
Finding the Good
Parashat Mishpatim
A Remnant Shall Return
Parashat Yitro
Go Forward!
Parashat Beshalach