Messages on Genesis (Page 6)
A New Creation
Parashat Noach
Seeded With Potential
Parashat B’reisheet
Weightier Matters
Parashat Eikev
Forgetting What Lies Behind
The tribes of Reuben and Gad assured Moses that they were not acting according to the ways of their fathers by settling East of the Jordan. In doing this, they were, in essence, forgetting what lies behind and reaching forward to what God had in store for them.
The Battle is the Lord’s
We look to the day of Yeshua’s return and the restoration He will bring. In the meantime there is work to be done, standing firm in faithfulness and equipping ourselves for the road ahead.
An Open Hand
Parashat Behar-Bechukotai
Where is Your Inheritance?
Though Joseph and his brothers prospered in the land of Egypt, they knew their true home was in the Land God had promised to them in Canaan. So too, are we to prosper in the places God has given us, always remembering where our true home is.
Lost and Found
The story of Joseph’s life is a story of restoration. A story that has within it multiple aspects of people seeking out what had been lost.
Joseph was lost to his brothers, and the brothers were lost to Joseph. Even though they were separated, it was God’s intention to bring them back together.
Eyes to See: It’s In God’s Hands
God reigns supreme! He is Lord over all and holds all things in His hand. He can cause what is visible to be hidden and what is hidden to be revealed!
Humility, Perseverance and Hope!
Regardless of the situation Joseph faced, whether over Potiphar’s house or a prisoner, he walked in righteousness and God prospered him. Joseph’s trust was in God and God was with him.