Messages on Hebrews (Page 3)
Intercession of the Priests
The priesthood represented God to the people, and represented the people to God. The High Priest wore garments of glory and splendor and carried on his shoulders and over his heart a remembrance of the Children of Israel when he entered into God’s presence.
We Live by Faith
Moses knew he was destined for greatness but saw that hope dashed. His hope was reborn, but he had to persevere in faith to overcome.
We were made for something extraordinary. And God sets us free that we may become what he has purposed from the beginning.
Sowing Seeds of Faith
We have the choice to see things as people of faith or to look at our own insufficiency or fear. What we choose will determine the type of seed we sow and the fruit it will bear.
Clean Hands and a Pure Heart
Through Yeshua we are brought into the kingdom of priests. Having our hands cleansed and our hearts purified, we may draw near to God, being changed from glory to glory back into beings of light, as it was in the beginning.
Even In Exile, God Is With Us
God has promised never to leave or forsake His people, and that He will always be with them. Even when they are sent into exile, God goes with them, shares in their afflictions, and brings them back from their captivity. He is faithful.
The Darkest Hour, The Greatest Victory
As we await the coming Kingdom, we need to remember our path so we don’t repeat mistakes and so we can remember God’s faithfulness and His promises. Even Yeshua, in His darkest hour, strengthened Himself by trusting in God’s faithfulness. And God did not forsake Him.
Drawing Near Through Sacrifice
A primary reason for the sacrifices is to draw near to God. It is not through the death of the sacrifice, but through its life (blood) that one draws near. Through Yeshua’s blood (life), we draw near to the Father in the heavenly tabernacle.