Messages on Isaiah (Page 2)
He Knows the End from the Beginning
Parashat Vayigash
Comfort of Noah
Parashat Noach
Speak Life
Parashat B’reisheet
Dwelling in Sukkot
Feast of Tabernacles, Day 1
Let Your Life Song Sing
The Song of Moses and the Song of the Lamb
God Will Never Leave You Nor Forsake You…?
Parashat Nitzavim-Vayelech
Returning a Lost Item
Parashat Ki Tetze
Surrendering Control
Parashat Re’eh
God Longs to Do Good to You
Parashat Va’etchanan
The Branch and the Temple
Part 3, in a series on the Temple and Priesthood, provides an understanding of the role of the Temple in the restoration of the world and it’s place in the Messianic Era under the reign of the righteous Branch, Messiah.