"Shelach" Tagged Messages
God Says I Can
Parashat Shelach
A Thread of Hope
The position of faith is not a denial of the situation or circumstances because there can be very real difficulty. Rather, the position of faith is being able to see beyond the problem and see the potential for good because we have a reason for true hope.
Where We Fix Our Eyes
After the failure of the spies, God renewed the hope of the Children of Israel. When hope was lost, He called them to return and fix their eyes upon Him!
Sowing Seeds of Faith
We have the choice to see things as people of faith or to look at our own insufficiency or fear. What we choose will determine the type of seed we sow and the fruit it will bear.
Raising Up Righteous Shepherds
Throughout time, God has raised up shepherds to lead His people back to Him so they can fulfill their calling. God declared that He Himself would seek the lost and appoint His Messiah as the shepherd.