"Terumah" Tagged Messages
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Parashat Terumah The construction of the tabernacle reveals God’s desire to dwell among His people. The Hebrew word terumah (a willing contribution) demonstrates how our participation in God’s work uplifts both the giver and facilitates His presence, with God multiplying even our smallest offerings for His purposes. We participate in this divine dwelling by…
Righteousness and Justice
Parashat Terumah
Our Best for the King
Parashat Terumah
Greater Vision
Parashat Terumah
Preparing a Sanctuary for God
When God asks for contributions from His people to build a place for Him to dwell, He asks it from those who will freely give from the heart. Not out of obligation, but out of desire to be close to Him.
God Will Dwell with Man
God’s desire is to dwell with man as it was in the beginning. As part of the restoration, God has given the Holy Spirit as a pledge of what is to come at the end of the Millennial Reign.