"Vayetze" Tagged Messages
Living Stones
Believers are to be living stones, unified in God’s name, Word, and glory, embodying humility, selfless love, and the transformative power of God’s Spirit.
God’s Ladder
Parashat Vayetze
Up From the Ashes
Parashat Vayetze
A Ladder and a Bridge
Parashat Vayetze
Overcoming the Past
Jacob’s encounter with God brings a transformation, and Jacob leaves behind his past of deception and begins anew, walking in righteousness in all his dealings.
Our Hope – God is With Us
Our hope is rooted in the truth of who God is, and who we are in Him. When we face a crisis with confidence in Him, He brings wholeness on the other side.
Renewing Our Minds
As new creations in Messiah, we are free to walk according to our new nature of righteousness. And as we do this, we lay down our old identity of sin, and we renew our minds concerning our new nature and who God says we are.