Messages on Malachi
Restoration in the Commandments
God’s master plan for humanity centers on restoration and transformation, implemented through His divine covenants and commandments.
Build an Ark
Are you building your spiritual ark? Discover how Noah’s faith and obedience can guide us in today’s world.
From the Inside Out
Parashat Toldot
The First Fruits of Your Increase
Parashat Emor Part 2 in a series on Generosity and Stewardship
You Shall Be Holy: Generosity and Stewardship
Parashat Acharei Mot / Kedoshim Part 1 in a series on Generosity and Stewardship
Parashat Miketz
Agents of Salvation
Parashat Vayeshev
Our Thanksgiving Offering
In this time of Passover, may we be witnesses to many others of the great redemption available to all who will come and behold Yeshua, our Passover Lamb!
The Call of the Nazirite
God called some as Nazirites from the womb, as those who would set themselves apart unto Him. Through their dedication great things were accomplished in the Kingdom. And the invitation is open to anyone who desires.