Messages on Revelation
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Parashat Terumah The construction of the tabernacle reveals God’s desire to dwell among His people. The Hebrew word terumah (a willing contribution) demonstrates how our participation in God’s work uplifts both the giver and facilitates His presence, with God multiplying even our smallest offerings for His purposes. We participate in this divine dwelling by…
Shepherd and Redeemer
This portion reveals profound truths about God’s character as both shepherd and redeemer, even through seasons of adversity and apparent setbacks.
Living Stones
Believers are to be living stones, unified in God’s name, Word, and glory, embodying humility, selfless love, and the transformative power of God’s Spirit.
There’s Meaning in the Journeys
Discover the hidden meanings behind the journeys in the wilderness, such as the secret 42-letter name of God and the symbolism of the rainbow.
Speak Life
Parashat B’reisheet
Dwelling in Sukkot
Feast of Tabernacles, Day 1
Let Your Life Song Sing
The Song of Moses and the Song of the Lamb
Prepare for His Coming: The Jubilee, Part 3
Sheni Shel Shavuot (Second Day of Pentecost) Part 3 in a three part series on The Jubliee. Part 3 focuses on the connection between Jubilee and the events of Shavuot in Jerusalem and the Return of Yeshua.
Complete Salvation
Parashat Beshalach
What’s In Your Lamp?
Parashat Tetzaveh
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