Messages by Cris Franklin (Page 18)
Where is Your Inheritance?
Though Joseph and his brothers prospered in the land of Egypt, they knew their true home was in the Land God had promised to them in Canaan. So too, are we to prosper in the places God has given us, always remembering where our true home is.
Lost and Found
The story of Joseph’s life is a story of restoration. A story that has within it multiple aspects of people seeking out what had been lost.
Joseph was lost to his brothers, and the brothers were lost to Joseph. Even though they were separated, it was God’s intention to bring them back together.
Eyes to See: It’s In God’s Hands
God reigns supreme! He is Lord over all and holds all things in His hand. He can cause what is visible to be hidden and what is hidden to be revealed!
Humility, Perseverance and Hope!
Regardless of the situation Joseph faced, whether over Potiphar’s house or a prisoner, he walked in righteousness and God prospered him. Joseph’s trust was in God and God was with him.
Don’t Grow Weary!
Through the challenges facing Jacob as he returns from exile, he remains strong – seeking reconciliation, praying and even wrestling with an angel through the night such that he might overcome!
Overcoming the Past
Jacob’s encounter with God brings a transformation, and Jacob leaves behind his past of deception and begins anew, walking in righteousness in all his dealings.
Praying in to Promises
God’s promises are true and sure. Even still, He calls us to partner with Him in prayer, believing He will bring His promises to completion. The body of Messiah must arise and to contend for righteousness and justice, and for the manifestation of God’s Kingdom on the earth!
As You Wish
The portion this week, and carrying over from last week gives us several examples of people who laid aside their desires for something greater and whose actions ultimately brought forth a bride for Isaac. And in this story we see a picture of the bride of Messiah being made ready for Him!
Do You Believe in Miracles?
We need to believe that God really can bring life from the dead! Even when it looks like a dream has ended, that things are over, there is yet hope because it’s not over until God is through!
Faith of Abraham
Abram had to leave behind what was dear to him so he could take hold of the blessings God had prepared for him. Abram had to choose to believe that what God said was good for him really was good for him. Then he had to go, both for himself and for a higher purpose.