Messages on 1 Peter
Living Stones
Believers are to be living stones, unified in God’s name, Word, and glory, embodying humility, selfless love, and the transformative power of God’s Spirit.
Be Perfect!
Parashat Kedoshim
Sanctify the Firstborn
Parashat Bo
Holy Vessels
Part 1, in a series on the Temple and Priesthood, provides a foundation for God’s everlasting covenant with Aaron and his offspring who serve as ministers in the earthly Temple.
Where Do We Start? (Acts 15)
The commandments found in Leviticus 17-18 correspond directly to the four commands given to Gentile believers by the Jerusalem Council in Acts 15. These four instructions remove barriers to fellowship and set a standard that allows Jew and Gentile to walk together in community as God’s holy people!
From Death to Life
Parashat Tazria / Metzora
Preparing Our Holy Sanctuary
In Mark 7, Yeshua says what proceeds out of a man is what defiles him. Contrary to popular belief, Yeshua says nothing about what one eats, but only about what remains inside a person, which are matters of the heart.
A Sanctified Priesthood
This week we discuss the sanctity of the Priesthood, and the distinction between the Levitical priesthood and spiritual priesthood of believers.