Messages on Exodus (Page 7)
A Time of Renewal
Parashat Bo
In God’s Time
God’s promise hasn’t failed. He’s still at work, bringing all things into alignment to bring a miraculous salvation so that all the world will know that He is the One True God.
Reach for the Miracle
We have hope in the midst of growing darkness that God raises up a redeemer. God is working in all things, has them all in his hand, preparing to bring about a momentous deliverance!
Led by the Spirit
The Divine Presence in the Tabernacle was of critical importance! To go up and take hold of the Land, the nation had to be led by the Spirit. And the people had to live a life where God was at the center of everything.
The Journey from Passover to Shavuot
On the journey from Passover to Shavuot, we count the 50 days of the omer. In this time we reflect on our spiritual growth preparing ourselves so we will be found faithful at the return of Yeshua our Messiah!
Our Thanksgiving Offering
In this time of Passover, may we be witnesses to many others of the great redemption available to all who will come and behold Yeshua, our Passover Lamb!
Seeing With Spiritual Eyes
Things aren’t always what they seem. In these times we need to see beyond the physical. We need spiritual eyes to see what God is doing! From this position of faith we can partner with Him to bring restoration.
What is Grace?
Grace comes from the Hebrew word “Chen”, which is translated throughout the Tanach as favor – specifically, merited favor. So if grace is merited favor, why do we say grace is unmerited favor?
Intercession of the Priests
The priesthood represented God to the people, and represented the people to God. The High Priest wore garments of glory and splendor and carried on his shoulders and over his heart a remembrance of the Children of Israel when he entered into God’s presence.
Preparing a Sanctuary for God
When God asks for contributions from His people to build a place for Him to dwell, He asks it from those who will freely give from the heart. Not out of obligation, but out of desire to be close to Him.