Messages on Isaiah (Page 4)
Seeded With Potential
Parashat B’reisheet
Hope for a New Day!
Parashat Nitzavim
Suffering of the Righteous
Parashat Va’etchanan
Too Small a Thing
We are created for good works that we are to walk in today. It is too small a thing only to be saved for the world to come!
The Mystery of God
The mysteries within the commandments laid out in this portion point to the mystery of God’s plan of redemption through Yeshua our Messiah!
Sanctifying God’s Name in Word and Deeds
We sanctify God’s Name by keeping His commandments and by proclaiming His appointed times in their season because they declare His great works. They declare His purposes that He established for the purposes of restoring all of mankind.
In God’s Time
God’s promise hasn’t failed. He’s still at work, bringing all things into alignment to bring a miraculous salvation so that all the world will know that He is the One True God.
Praying in to Promises
God’s promises are true and sure. Even still, He calls us to partner with Him in prayer, believing He will bring His promises to completion. The body of Messiah must arise and to contend for righteousness and justice, and for the manifestation of God’s Kingdom on the earth!
You Must Rule Over Sin
Man’s temptation is to determine what is good based on their own understanding rather than listening to what God has said is good. But the heart is deceitful above all things (Jeremiah 17:9). We must rule over sin, turn from it in repentance and walk in the light of God’s Torah!
Streams of Living Water
In the Messianic Era, living waters will flow from the Temple in Jerusalem bringing life to all it encounters. The trees will produce fruit and their leaves will be for the healing of the nations!