Messages on Matthew (Page 4)
What Are We Preparing For?
God knows what we need, and He has given that to us through His Word and His Spirit, which were both given at Shavuot (Pentecost). In the season of Shavuot, God fulfills the fourth statement of redemption – that He will take the Children of Israel as a people and be God to them.
Sanctifying God’s Name in Word and Deeds
We sanctify God’s Name by keeping His commandments and by proclaiming His appointed times in their season because they declare His great works. They declare His purposes that He established for the purposes of restoring all of mankind.
Firstborn of the Resurrection
Shviee Shel Pesach – 7th of Passover
Praying in to Promises
God’s promises are true and sure. Even still, He calls us to partner with Him in prayer, believing He will bring His promises to completion. The body of Messiah must arise and to contend for righteousness and justice, and for the manifestation of God’s Kingdom on the earth!
Faith of Abraham
Abram had to leave behind what was dear to him so he could take hold of the blessings God had prepared for him. Abram had to choose to believe that what God said was good for him really was good for him. Then he had to go, both for himself and for a higher purpose.
God Remembers His Promises
As we wait for Messiah to return, may we endure with faith and hope, knowing that God is faithful to keep His promises. One day we will hear the sound of the Great Teruah, the Great Shofar, and behold the coming of Yeshua our Messiah, who is the Promised Seed!
Appointed Times Overview
Not to the Right or to the Left
We must become equipped to discern the word of truth by the Spirit, by the Scriptures and with the help of community so that we may walk in faithfulness toward God, not straying to the right or to the left!
Pure and Undefiled Religion
God is looking for people with a heart of love for Him and for His people! From the place of pursuing God with a pure heart, we are then free and enabled to love each other well and bring about restoration.
Overcoming Offense
In all of that we endure, we have the choice to become those who lift up or those who tear down. We must guard our hearts and minds, always pursuing truth and goodness out of a base of love and peace, for the love of God can redeem!