Messages from 2024 (Page 3)
True Righteousness
The Purpose of Redemption
Do You Trust God In the Desert ?
Lift Up Your Heads
Parashat Naso
Every One Counts
Hosea’s prophecy and the Parable of the Lost Sheep remind us of God’s compassion and the importance of each individual in His plan.
The Spirit of the Law
Through Yeshua’s teachings, we learn the spirit of the law, calling for a heart transformation and genuine love for God and neighbor.
Circumcision of the Heart
We are called to embody God’s justice, righteousness, and compassion in our daily lives and to rely on the Holy Spirit for transformation and circumcision of the heart.
What is My Place?
Parashat Emor
Be Perfect!
Parashat Kedoshim
Cleansing the Temple
Parashat Acharei Mot