Overcoming Offense
In all of that we endure, we have the choice to become those who lift up or those who tear down. We must guard our hearts and minds, always pursuing truth and goodness out of a base of love and peace, for the love of God can redeem!
Where We Fix Our Eyes
After the failure of the spies, God renewed the hope of the Children of Israel. When hope was lost, He called them to return and fix their eyes upon Him!
Not Through Might, But By the Spirit
We overcome obstacles and challenges by the Spirit. We live, truly live, by the Spirit. And through the renewal of the mind we find hope for tomorrow!
Set Apart for a Purpose
Whether one takes on a nazirite vow or not, God has a plan and purpose for each of us, and each of us can accomplish great things in the Kingdom!
God is Generous!
We have received great blessings from God – a good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over. From the overflow we too are to be generous!
Led by the Spirit
The Divine Presence in the Tabernacle was of critical importance! To go up and take hold of the Land, the nation had to be led by the Spirit. And the people had to live a life where God was at the center of everything.
The Year of Release
The Shemitah and Jubilee year are about giving people another chance, a reset! A time of mercy, of having burdens lifted, and being set free.
Sanctifying the New Moon
Proclaiming the Appointed Times at the time appointed for them is not as easy as it sounds! It’s a complex process and has been the subject of much debate.
A Tale of Two Goats
We often hear about how the Scapegoat points to the work of Messiah, but miss the more glorious imagery of the goat offered as a sin offering and how it points to the work of Messiah in the Heavenly Temple!
Spiritual Cleansing
Cleansing one of spiritual contamination from evil speech involves more than just removal of the bad habit. One must also form good habits and speak words of life.