Messages on Hebrews (Page 2)
Window of Opportunity
Parashat Bo
Strangers in a Strange Land
Parashat Chayei Sarah
Following God’s Plan
Parashat Lech Lecha
Faith is Active!
Emunah (Faith) is not simply intellectual belief, regardless of how sincere or authentic that belief is. The Jewish understanding of emunah is steadfastness and fidelity toward God, which includes belief but is incomplete without faithful obedience to God.
Drawing Near
Parashat Vayikra
Praying in to Promises
God’s promises are true and sure. Even still, He calls us to partner with Him in prayer, believing He will bring His promises to completion. The body of Messiah must arise and to contend for righteousness and justice, and for the manifestation of God’s Kingdom on the earth!
Our City of Refuge
God has provided a city of refuge in the person of Yeshua, our High Priest in the heavenly Temple, through Whom we have atonement by His death and hope in His resurrection.
Where We Fix Our Eyes
After the failure of the spies, God renewed the hope of the Children of Israel. When hope was lost, He called them to return and fix their eyes upon Him!
A Tale of Two Goats
We often hear about how the Scapegoat points to the work of Messiah, but miss the more glorious imagery of the goat offered as a sin offering and how it points to the work of Messiah in the Heavenly Temple!
Life is in the Blood
Would it be surprising to hear that sacrifices were brought with joy? And that the sacrifices weren’t about the death of the animal, but rather about the life that is in the blood?