Messages on John (Page 6)
God is Really For Us
We often miss the hand of God at work in our lives in normal events, but in moments when we see the puzzle fitting together, we know God is really for us.
Unity in Diversity
The body of Messiah is made up of many parts, each part unique in its identity and calling, yet unified in purpose. Each member of the body is to walk in unity, with love and respect, serving one another just as Yeshua modeled that love to us.
Trusting God Even When You Don’t Understand
God sees the end before the beginning and knows what we need. Even when we don’t understand, our job is to respond in faith, knowing that we can trust Him.
The Light of the World
The menorah is the Light of the World, and its structure provides an illustration of how Yeshua is the source of light for those who abide in him.
The Light Overcomes the Darkness
In the beginning of creation, God sent forth His Light. When Adam sinned, the Light of creation was hidden, concealed temporarily, to be revealed in the Messianic Era. And at the fulness of time, God sent forth His Son, the Light of the World, to bring repentance and redemption.
The Final Redemption and Loving Your Neighbor
The Sages teach the current exile is the result of baseless hatred. What then is the remedy which will bring the final redemption? It is selfless love that overcomes that which divides us, and brings reconciliation. It is loving your neighbor as yourself, and even more, loving each other as Yeshua loved us.
The King’s Torah
Yeshua is the Prophet like unto Moses who was to come as Redeemer and King, turning the people back to faithfulness to God through the Torah. Yeshua writes His Torah on our hearts by the Spirit so we can pursue righteousness and be transformed into His image from glory to glory!
Worship in Spirit and in Truth
Blessed are they who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied. Yeshua is the Bread from Heaven, and provides the source of Living Water. In Him, God eternally satisfies our spiritual hunger and thirst through the Word and rebirth by the Spirit.
The Good Zealot and the Money Changers
Being described as a zealot is not normally a good thing in today’s culture. However, the good zealot is concerned with the relationship between God and His people, and acts out of love to eliminate that which causes separation.
From Death to Life!
Some commandments of God defy reason, such as the Red Heifer and raising of the bronze serpent, yet they are not without purpose. Through Messiah Yeshua, God has revealed the hidden purposes, and through Him has given us the way to life!