As You Wish
The portion this week, and carrying over from last week gives us several examples of people who laid aside their desires for something greater and whose actions ultimately brought forth a bride for Isaac. And in this story we see a picture of the bride of Messiah being made ready for Him!
Do You Believe in Miracles?
We need to believe that God really can bring life from the dead! Even when it looks like a dream has ended, that things are over, there is yet hope because it’s not over until God is through!
Faith of Abraham
Abram had to leave behind what was dear to him so he could take hold of the blessings God had prepared for him. Abram had to choose to believe that what God said was good for him really was good for him. Then he had to go, both for himself and for a higher purpose.
Redeemed Through Righteousness for Righteousness
Through the righteousness of one man, mankind is saved for a world being made new for those who hide themselves in the Word of God and walk in righteousness.
You Must Rule Over Sin
Man’s temptation is to determine what is good based on their own understanding rather than listening to what God has said is good. But the heart is deceitful above all things (Jeremiah 17:9). We must rule over sin, turn from it in repentance and walk in the light of God’s Torah!
The Eighth Day and the World to Come
Throughout this season and the Messianic Era (may it come quickly!), the glory of God is being revealed in greater and greater measure, culminating with God’s dwelling place being with man!
Streams of Living Water
In the Messianic Era, living waters will flow from the Temple in Jerusalem bringing life to all it encounters. The trees will produce fruit and their leaves will be for the healing of the nations!
The Song of Moses and of the Lamb
Just as Moses was given a song to leave behind that would lead the people to repentance, Yeshua was given the Spirit to send in His absence that would lead the people to repentance.
God Remembers His Promises
As we wait for Messiah to return, may we endure with faith and hope, knowing that God is faithful to keep His promises. One day we will hear the sound of the Great Teruah, the Great Shofar, and behold the coming of Yeshua our Messiah, who is the Promised Seed!
Circumcision of the Heart
God will circumcise our hearts and give us a heart of flesh with His Torah written on it. But that does not remove our responsibility to partner with Him in the process – to choose Him, to circumcise our hearts and to observe His commandments.