Appointed Times Overview
Redeeming the Wayward Son
In His great compassion and mercy, God sent His Son Yeshua to bring the lost sheep of Israel back to God and to open the door to eternal life for all who would repent and put their trust in Him.
The Torah of the King
When Yeshua returns as King, He will write at least one copy of the Torah. In the meantime, He has sent the Spirit to write the Torah upon our hearts that we may walk in His ways!
Repairers of the Breach
We are called to the ministry of reconciliation as repairers of the breach, restoring what has been lost regarding the identity of Yeshua and of His message of covenant loyalty to God.
Clinging to Yeshua
Yeshua is the true tzaddik, the perfectly righteous one, to whom we are to attach ourselves. It is through Him that we cling to our Father in heaven.
Not to the Right or to the Left
We must become equipped to discern the word of truth by the Spirit, by the Scriptures and with the help of community so that we may walk in faithfulness toward God, not straying to the right or to the left!
Pure and Undefiled Religion
God is looking for people with a heart of love for Him and for His people! From the place of pursuing God with a pure heart, we are then free and enabled to love each other well and bring about restoration.
Our City of Refuge
God has provided a city of refuge in the person of Yeshua, our High Priest in the heavenly Temple, through Whom we have atonement by His death and hope in His resurrection.
The Rock From Which You Were Hewn
In this time of trial in our nation, we as believers in Yeshua are called to act according to the nature of Yeshua, the Rock from which we were hewn. We are to act from a foundation of love and desire for peace between God and man.
God is an Ever-Present Help in Trouble
Though we have the assurance that God is with us, we still face challenges. It’s important in these trying times that we not lose heart. We need to prepare both spiritually and physically for the days ahead.