Messages on 2 Corinthians
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Parashat Terumah The construction of the tabernacle reveals God’s desire to dwell among His people. The Hebrew word terumah (a willing contribution) demonstrates how our participation in God’s work uplifts both the giver and facilitates His presence, with God multiplying even our smallest offerings for His purposes. We participate in this divine dwelling by…
The Torah Fulfilled
Parashat Yitro
The First Fruits of Your Increase
Parashat Emor Part 2 in a series on Generosity and Stewardship
Exchanging Their Glory
Parashat Ki Tisa
In the Shadow of God
Parashat Pekudei
There Was No Man?
Parashat Ki Tisa
What’s In Your Lamp?
Parashat Tetzaveh
From Glory to Glory
Parashat Yitro
The Power of Repentance
Parashat Vayelech
Overcoming the Past
Jacob’s encounter with God brings a transformation, and Jacob leaves behind his past of deception and begins anew, walking in righteousness in all his dealings.
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