Messages on Exodus (Page 8)
A New Covenant
God’s covenants are relational, each one building upon the other in progressive revelation of His character and bringing about His plan of restoration.
God is Really For Us
We often miss the hand of God at work in our lives in normal events, but in moments when we see the puzzle fitting together, we know God is really for us.
We Live by Faith
Moses knew he was destined for greatness but saw that hope dashed. His hope was reborn, but he had to persevere in faith to overcome.
We were made for something extraordinary. And God sets us free that we may become what he has purposed from the beginning.
The Covenant Keeping God
The Name of God implies His unchanging nature and His faithfulness to keep His word. He acts in accordance with His name and keeps His covenant.
Greater and Lesser Commandments
Yeshua demonstrates the method for determining what is a greater commandment and what is a lesser commandment in Matthew 12. Far from abolishing a commandment, He upholds all of the commandments and shows that compassion is foundational to Torah.
Passover Overview
This teaching is part of our Distinctives Series and gives an overview of Passover, the Feast of Unleavened Bread, when God delivered His people with a mighty hand and an outstretched arm.
The Suffering of the Righteous
The suffering of the righteous atones for the sins of the nation. Through Yeshua’s suffering and death we have atonement and forgiveness of sin.
Free to be Holy
When God forgives a person’s sin and grants them a new heart and a new spirit, they are a new creation. No longer a slave to sin, they can live righteously unto God.
Restoring the Foundations
This week we discuss the need to establish a solid grounding in the Word of God in order to repair the foundations of our faith, and to guard what God has given us as we grow in maturity and in the Spirit.
A Sanctified Priesthood
This week we discuss the sanctity of the Priesthood, and the distinction between the Levitical priesthood and spiritual priesthood of believers.