Messages on Hebrews
Watch and See
God can create solutions to seemingly impossible situations. Stand firm in faith, watch expectantly for God’s movement, take steps of obedience and see God’s salvation.
The Lamb of God, Part 4: Once for All
Parashat Tazria The Lamb of God Series goes deep into the work of Yeshua as the lamb of God and exploring the purpose of the sacrificial system. In Part 4 we take a look at the meaning of Yeshua’s one sacrifice for all and how it differs from the Levitical sacrifices.
The Lamb of God, Part 2: Cleansed from Death
Parashat Tzav The Lamb of God Series goes deep into the work of Yeshua as the lamb of God and exploring the purpose of the sacrificial system. In Part 2 we look at the cleansing of the Red Heifer and the celebration of deliverance with the Peace Thanksgiving Offering, which is closely related to the Passover lamb.
God Has a Plan
Parashat Lech Lecha
Anchor of the Soul
Part 5 in a series on the Temple and Priesthood, discussing the hope of redemption we have as an anchor of the soul because Yeshua has gone as a forerunner into the resurrection and world to come.
The Branch and Melchizedek
Part 4 in a series on the Temple and Priesthood, discussing the righteous Branch, Messiah, who is a priest according to the order of Melchizedek.
Suffering of the Righteous
Part 2, in a series on the Temple and Priesthood, provides an understanding of the atonement brought through Yeshua’s death apart from the Levitical sacrifices.
Holy Vessels
Part 1, in a series on the Temple and Priesthood, provides a foundation for God’s everlasting covenant with Aaron and his offspring who serve as ministers in the earthly Temple.
Promise Keeper
Firstfruit of the Resurrection
A New and Living Way
Parashat Vayikra