Messages by Cris Franklin (Page 8)
Anchor of the Soul
Part 5 in a series on the Temple and Priesthood, discussing the hope of redemption we have as an anchor of the soul because Yeshua has gone as a forerunner into the resurrection and world to come.
The Branch and Melchizedek
Part 4 in a series on the Temple and Priesthood, discussing the righteous Branch, Messiah, who is a priest according to the order of Melchizedek.
The Branch and the Temple
Part 3, in a series on the Temple and Priesthood, provides an understanding of the role of the Temple in the restoration of the world and it’s place in the Messianic Era under the reign of the righteous Branch, Messiah.
Suffering of the Righteous
Part 2, in a series on the Temple and Priesthood, provides an understanding of the atonement brought through Yeshua’s death apart from the Levitical sacrifices.
Holy Vessels
Part 1, in a series on the Temple and Priesthood, provides a foundation for God’s everlasting covenant with Aaron and his offspring who serve as ministers in the earthly Temple.
He Goes Before Us and is Our Rear Guard
Parashat Beha’alotcha
Glorify Thy Name
Parashat Nasso
Prepare for His Coming: The Jubilee, Part 3
Sheni Shel Shavuot (Second Day of Pentecost) Part 3 in a three part series on The Jubliee. Part 3 focuses on the connection between Jubilee and the events of Shavuot in Jerusalem and the Return of Yeshua.
Prepare for His Coming: Delivered From Captivity
Shavuot (Pentecost) Part 2 in a three part series on The Jubliee. This message was given on the day of Shavuot and focuses on how we are positioning ourselves and how God has positioned us for what He has in planned for us.
Prepare for His Coming: The Jubilee, Part 1
Parashat Bamidbar Part 1 in a three part series on The Jubliee. Part 1 focuses on the connection between Jubilee and the events of Shavuot at Sinai and the conquest of Jericho.