Messages on Temple
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Parashat Terumah The construction of the tabernacle reveals God’s desire to dwell among His people. The Hebrew word terumah (a willing contribution) demonstrates how our participation in God’s work uplifts both the giver and facilitates His presence, with God multiplying even our smallest offerings for His purposes. We participate in this divine dwelling by…
The Lamb of God, Part 4: Once for All
Parashat Tazria The Lamb of God Series goes deep into the work of Yeshua as the lamb of God and exploring the purpose of the sacrificial system. In Part 4 we take a look at the meaning of Yeshua’s one sacrifice for all and how it differs from the Levitical sacrifices.
Continuously Before God
Parashat Tetzaveh
Righteousness and Justice
Parashat Terumah
The Branch and the Temple
Part 3, in a series on the Temple and Priesthood, provides an understanding of the role of the Temple in the restoration of the world and it’s place in the Messianic Era under the reign of the righteous Branch, Messiah.
Streams of Living Water
In the Messianic Era, living waters will flow from the Temple in Jerusalem bringing life to all it encounters. The trees will produce fruit and their leaves will be for the healing of the nations!