A Sanctified Priesthood
This week we discuss the sanctity of the Priesthood, and the distinction between the Levitical priesthood and spiritual priesthood of believers.
God Will Dwell with Man
God’s desire is to dwell with man as it was in the beginning. As part of the restoration, God has given the Holy Spirit as a pledge of what is to come at the end of the Millennial Reign.
The Marriage of the Bride
At Sinai, God took Israel as His bride and promised to send His Angel before them, to bring them to their inheritance. Before His last Passover seder, Yeshua spoke in bridal terms as He promised to bring His disciples to their inheritance.
Torah is for the Redeemed
The Torah (Law) is a vital part of the covenant relationship between God and His people, though its role is often misunderstood. The Torah does not bring justification (salvation), but rather it is for the sanctification of those who have already been redeemed.