Messages on Exodus
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Parashat Terumah The construction of the tabernacle reveals God’s desire to dwell among His people. The Hebrew word terumah (a willing contribution) demonstrates how our participation in God’s work uplifts both the giver and facilitates His presence, with God multiplying even our smallest offerings for His purposes. We participate in this divine dwelling by…
Restoration in the Commandments
God’s master plan for humanity centers on restoration and transformation, implemented through His divine covenants and commandments.
The Way of Life
God’s Torah is more than just rules – it’s a divine blueprint for life and relationship with Him.
Watch and See
God can create solutions to seemingly impossible situations. Stand firm in faith, watch expectantly for God’s movement, take steps of obedience and see God’s salvation.
A New Birth
Through the Passover and Exodus, God demonstrated His power to completely transform and give new identity to His people.
God Prepares the Way
God sometimes allows situations to worsen before bringing ultimate deliverance.
God is Personal
God isn’t distant and detached, but one who knows each person intimately and responds to their needs with compassion and action.
Uplifting the Weak and Vulnerable
Erasing the memory of Amalek through caring for the weak and vulnerable.
There’s Meaning in the Journeys
Discover the hidden meanings behind the journeys in the wilderness, such as the secret 42-letter name of God and the symbolism of the rainbow.
What is My Place?
Parashat Emor