Messages on Appointed Times (Page 5)
God is Generous!
We have received great blessings from God – a good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over. From the overflow we too are to be generous!
Sanctifying the New Moon
Proclaiming the Appointed Times at the time appointed for them is not as easy as it sounds! It’s a complex process and has been the subject of much debate.
A Tale of Two Goats
We often hear about how the Scapegoat points to the work of Messiah, but miss the more glorious imagery of the goat offered as a sin offering and how it points to the work of Messiah in the Heavenly Temple!
The Journey from Passover to Shavuot
On the journey from Passover to Shavuot, we count the 50 days of the omer. In this time we reflect on our spiritual growth preparing ourselves so we will be found faithful at the return of Yeshua our Messiah!
The First Fruit of the Resurrection
Yeshua our Messiah is the first fruit offering presented in the heavenly Temple as the first fruit of the resurrection, providing the way for the coming harvest of souls at the end of this age!
Our Thanksgiving Offering
In this time of Passover, may we be witnesses to many others of the great redemption available to all who will come and behold Yeshua, our Passover Lamb!
The Covenant Keeping God
The Name of God implies His unchanging nature and His faithfulness to keep His word. He acts in accordance with His name and keeps His covenant.
New Beginnings
Yeshua is the first fruit of the resurrection. Through the life he now lives, he opens up the way to eternal life and the hope of the restoration of all things!
Passover Overview
This teaching is part of our Distinctives Series and gives an overview of Passover, the Feast of Unleavened Bread, when God delivered His people with a mighty hand and an outstretched arm.
Yeshua’s Birth at Sukkot
Many Messianic believers celebrate Yeshua’s birth at Sukkot. Find out what evidence there is for celebrating his birth at the Season of Our Joy!