Messages on Ezekiel (Page 2)
Don’t Lose Heart
Parashat Shemot
Seven Weeks to New Life
Festival of Shavuot
The Relentless Pursuit of Restoration
Parashat Behar
In the Shadow of God
Parashat Pekudei
Window of Opportunity
Parashat Bo
Hope for a New Day!
Parashat Nitzavim
Lost and Found
The story of Joseph’s life is a story of restoration. A story that has within it multiple aspects of people seeking out what had been lost.
Joseph was lost to his brothers, and the brothers were lost to Joseph. Even though they were separated, it was God’s intention to bring them back together.
Streams of Living Water
In the Messianic Era, living waters will flow from the Temple in Jerusalem bringing life to all it encounters. The trees will produce fruit and their leaves will be for the healing of the nations!
Redeeming the Wayward Son
In His great compassion and mercy, God sent His Son Yeshua to bring the lost sheep of Israel back to God and to open the door to eternal life for all who would repent and put their trust in Him.
Spiritual Cleansing
Cleansing one of spiritual contamination from evil speech involves more than just removal of the bad habit. One must also form good habits and speak words of life.