Messages on Ezekiel (Page 3)
Seeing With Spiritual Eyes
Things aren’t always what they seem. In these times we need to see beyond the physical. We need spiritual eyes to see what God is doing! From this position of faith we can partner with Him to bring restoration.
Intercession of the Priests
The priesthood represented God to the people, and represented the people to God. The High Priest wore garments of glory and splendor and carried on his shoulders and over his heart a remembrance of the Children of Israel when he entered into God’s presence.
A New Covenant
God’s covenants are relational, each one building upon the other in progressive revelation of His character and bringing about His plan of restoration.
Keys to Reconciliation
Repentance and forgiveness are critical to the coming of Yeshua at the end of the age, just as they were in the reconciliation between Joseph and his brothers.
God Fulfills His Word
God makes promises about redemption of all things and the promised Messiah. His word is true, and He is faithful to perform it!
Raising Up Righteous Shepherds
Throughout time, God has raised up shepherds to lead His people back to Him so they can fulfill their calling. God declared that He Himself would seek the lost and appoint His Messiah as the shepherd.
Drawing Near Through Sacrifice
A primary reason for the sacrifices is to draw near to God. It is not through the death of the sacrifice, but through its life (blood) that one draws near. Through Yeshua’s blood (life), we draw near to the Father in the heavenly tabernacle.
Free to be Holy
When God forgives a person’s sin and grants them a new heart and a new spirit, they are a new creation. No longer a slave to sin, they can live righteously unto God.
A Sanctified Priesthood
This week we discuss the sanctity of the Priesthood, and the distinction between the Levitical priesthood and spiritual priesthood of believers.
God Will Dwell with Man
God’s desire is to dwell with man as it was in the beginning. As part of the restoration, God has given the Holy Spirit as a pledge of what is to come at the end of the Millennial Reign.