Messages on Isaiah (Page 5)
Circumcision of the Heart
God will circumcise our hearts and give us a heart of flesh with His Torah written on it. But that does not remove our responsibility to partner with Him in the process – to choose Him, to circumcise our hearts and to observe His commandments.
The Torah of the King
When Yeshua returns as King, He will write at least one copy of the Torah. In the meantime, He has sent the Spirit to write the Torah upon our hearts that we may walk in His ways!
Repairers of the Breach
We are called to the ministry of reconciliation as repairers of the breach, restoring what has been lost regarding the identity of Yeshua and of His message of covenant loyalty to God.
Not to the Right or to the Left
We must become equipped to discern the word of truth by the Spirit, by the Scriptures and with the help of community so that we may walk in faithfulness toward God, not straying to the right or to the left!
Pure and Undefiled Religion
God is looking for people with a heart of love for Him and for His people! From the place of pursuing God with a pure heart, we are then free and enabled to love each other well and bring about restoration.
The Rock From Which You Were Hewn
In this time of trial in our nation, we as believers in Yeshua are called to act according to the nature of Yeshua, the Rock from which we were hewn. We are to act from a foundation of love and desire for peace between God and man.
A Tale of Two Goats
We often hear about how the Scapegoat points to the work of Messiah, but miss the more glorious imagery of the goat offered as a sin offering and how it points to the work of Messiah in the Heavenly Temple!
Our Thanksgiving Offering
In this time of Passover, may we be witnesses to many others of the great redemption available to all who will come and behold Yeshua, our Passover Lamb!
The Sun Will Rise
Times may be difficult, and all around us there may be darkness, but to those who trust in the LORD, the sun of righteousness will rise with healing in its wings. And God will comfort His people.
God Fulfills His Word
God makes promises about redemption of all things and the promised Messiah. His word is true, and He is faithful to perform it!